Even before the present virus outbreak, our freedoms were being eroded. Democracy we have seen is not a guarantee for freedom, ending up what could be termed, electoral dictatorship, meaning for the electorate there’s little choice. We have witnessed dreadful decisions enforced throughout Australia, without any compassion. A recent example has been the drowning of a small boy with the authorities not allowing a proper funeral.
Freedoms do not come easy; they are not given; they are fought for and won. We must be eternally vigilant otherwise they will be taken away. We are familiar of those who went to war to ensure that our way of life and freedoms are protected from a brutal enemy. Freedom, however, has to also be won through the corridors of powers, such as our parliaments and institutions. We cannot be free unless we have freedom of movement, (which is being denied at the moment by State governments) freedom of expression and freedom of thought. We must have a free media. We must be protected by unbiased laws, but we have seen throughout, Australia being governed by the executive and not by parliament.
The freedoms which we have enjoyed have been inherited from Great Britain. Millions have been attracted to our shores because of the freedom we offer. Long before the Norman Conquest (1066), King Alfred, the only British king to be called “Great”, implemented laws which laid foundation of the rights of the common man.
Then in 1215 we had the Magna Carta when King John was forced to sign the Charter forcing the King to be subject to the same laws as any other person. It influenced the United States Bill of Rights and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948. Both these latter peoples’ right were also influence by the British Bill of Rights of 1688 which set out the basic laws of parliamentary rule and again the rights of the common man, while putting a brake on the powers of the Monarch, the then government.
Then we have the Australian Constitution, with sections 92 and 117 guaranteeing the freedom of movement backed up by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948, with Article 13 guaranteeing the free movement in and out of a country, with Article 20 guaranteeing the right for peaceful assembly and association. Australia signed this, but what is the point of signing something that we are NOT going to honour? Or Article 12 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (1986) which refers to “right of liberty of movement and freedom to choose his residence”? Any internal passport as proposed by the Federal Government, based on discriminatory policies, goes against these basic human rights.
We also operate under English Common Law and among other aspects, state that we are innocent until we are proven guilty, not the other way around. Indeed, technically, any spot fine or ticket written goes against the principle of Common Law. By writing a ticket you are automatically determined guilty before you can prove your innocence.
Governments exist to serve us, we the people are not here to serve the government.
We have seen State Governments act in a dictatorial way, especially in Victoria and New South Wales. We have seen police acting on behalf of the various State Governments, brutally victimising their own citizens. There have been multiple breeches of human rights in this regard. When Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews was questioned on this during a media conference, he replied “THIS IS NOT ABOUT HUMAN RIGHTS”.
How come we have got to this stage? Simply because of the continual message of fear espoused by governments, politicians, sections of the media and the medical fraternity. Remember? We were told that up to 150,000 people were predicted to die from corvid-19 as stated by the Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Dr Paul Kelly? The total nationally is less than 900, less, may I say, those dying annually of the flu.
Leading QC (Queen’s Counsel), Michael Wyles, has stated lock downs are illegal. They have not only destroyed the economic life of people, but too, their mental and social life. The rate of suicide is far higher than the death rate of this current virus, much of which could have been avoided if the vulnerable were instantly protected and those who had the virus were adequately quarantined.
A certain percentage (and it is quite high) of people like to be told what to do. It brings security and they don’t have to make decisions for themselves. I have been staggered how easy and how quickly we have been willing to give our freedoms away and let us not be fooled, governments have learnt from this. The Digital Certificate now available online by the Federal Government would be welcomed in Red China similar that country’s social credit policy. Do the right thing as proposed by the government and you will be rewarded. COVID – Certificate of Vaccination I.D.
Once our freedoms have gone, they will not be voluntarily given back to us by those in charge. We have our own mind which can make up its own decision for our own selves. Do we really need governments to do this for us? We can exercise our own choice and if we make the wrong choice we have to accept the consequences. We must question everything, rather than accepting without question what is being told to us. I personally start on a position of cynicism which is a safety valve. For example, how do I know I am being told the truth? What is the motive of those telling me? It is human nature to work from a position of self-interest and that includes government, its agencies and certainly big business, like Big Pharma.