With the revelation that after the 2018 Tasmanian election results more women than men make up the majority of parliamentarians, poses a question. Where is the leadership of men? Or is it now just a case of the continuing demise of men’s leadership?
It is just not in politics women now dominate, but major roles in sport administration (even men’s football), entertainment, business, public service, police, transport, defence, emergency services, banking, education, etc., etc., women taking over from men. This may seem marvellous, but where do men go? Clearly they are taking secondary roles with females now graduating more than males from universities and colleges particularly in such courses as medical and legal. So are they proving to be more talented and of greater i.q.? The feminists would have us think so, but let’s look at the real reasons.
The women’s movement has a political agenda and over the past number of decades have not only had laws promoted in their favour, but have had quota systems applied, affirmative action, massive promotion in the media and the entertainment industry, preferential emphasis in educational curriculum, and massive and massive of public money spent in their favour. Whole Government departments, both state and federal have been constructed for the promotion on the ‘status of women’ where only women are allowed to apply.
The result is enviable; men are taking second best, pushed out by a political correct agenda with many conservative women taking advantage of its unfair bias, probably not being really aware of this globalist’s agenda.
Boys in schools are suffering from female teaching bias and are being treated as oppressive of the female and potential wife beaters. If boys endeavour to be ‘boys’ then immediately (usually be a female administrative staff) there is intervention. Boys do not know how to be boys…there is confusion. Men are unsure of their roles. The effect upon the family is enormous.
Men are natural to leadership roles. How often women are portrayed even in dangerous and war-like environment as leaders, leading the men on a mission or out of trouble? All this is of course is utter rubbish, but to the growing mind of the juvenile it looks as though it is reality. Even in the scouting movement and boy’s early sport, the role of coaching is now taken over in many incidences by female leadership. In advertising of course, the man is portrayed as a fool with the woman, as the superior wise one making the sensible decisions.
Men not fulfilling their roles of leadership, of protector and of family provider are producing males of a snowflake generation who are prepared to sit back and take second best resorting to drinking and sport.
What can be done about it? Well certainly we cannot expect our spineless jelly fish parliamentarians to do anything about it; after all they are a product of mass political party thinking and survive in their roles by not thinking for themselves.
It comes back to the people. Parents must respect and the honour the roles nature has deemed the male to follow and allow their male family member to not only fulfil his role but to promote and honour it. A strong father figure must influence this and direct the young mind on to the right course, but the mature male figure within the family must first of all assume his responsibility as the head of the family.
The problem is of course; while our society is being feminised most of the real world is not. The growing continent of Asia is still masculine and does look upon the West and rightly so, as decadent and rotting. We will be taken advantage of. The Muslim religion is a masculine religion thereby attracting males, while the Christian religion is looked upon as feminine with males leaving the traditional religion in droves while most of those who remain are over whelmingly female. Now many pastors, priests and even bishops are female usually espousing liberation, socialist theology.
The call of “equality” is the latest mantra. Equal before the law yes, but we are not equal as individuals…we are incredibly different to each other. There is no such thing as a level playing field. And so it is with the sexes….we are different and what is wrong with that? We complement each other. We have different roles to play.
We are in crisis mode and we are seeing society escalating with a myriad of social problems, yet we have no solution, only to promote the same insane policies. Men not welcomed here! It is all quite unnatural.