An address that was read on behalf of Reg Watson on 5th of September 2020 at the Hobart Freedom Rally.
I am sorry that I am unable to be with you today, but circumstances do not permit. I am now in my mature years and I have never, ever seen such an abuse of power in Australia from the political elite. There is a lack of compassion from those who say they are acting on our behalf, backed up by a police force that should be spending their time, preventing, tackling and solving crime. Instead we are seeing, particularly in the State of Victoria, innocent people, even pregnant women, arrested for expressing an opinion. What I have also observed is a lack of courage from our Federal Government that avoids taking action in bringing these Premiers under control.
Our freedoms of movement, expression and indeed thought, have been eroded to the point that – as has happened – we can be arrested. Is this Germany of the 1930 and 40s? Is this Soviet Russia or Red China today? No, it is Australia in 2020 under the threat and fear of a virus which has given the excuse for governments and questionable medical experts to shut down our society to the detriment of physical and mental health. We have seen our nation destroyed economically. The Federal Treasurer, Josh Frydenberg announced on the 2nd September, that Australia is in a recession which will be far worse than the recession we had to have under Prime Minister Paul Keating. This has all been created by our own leaders, under the guise they are acting on our behalf and for our benefit. The recession has just begun. The horror which is yet to come can only be imagined. Thanks to our dubious leaders who have acted in their own interest and have used the virus issue to increase their power and their ego.
Our borders are closed, which is contrary to the Australian Constitution as guaranteed by Sections 92 and 117. It is also against the Human Right Declaration of 1948. But who cares about existing law? State Governments don’t and the Federal Government seems to be reluctant to tackle this serious breach. Mr Morrison TEAR DOWN THIS WALL.
My father fought for this country in battle as did his father. Three members of the family died in World War One. I now ask, what was it all for? To see our freedoms taken away under the banner of exaggerated fear? And to those who believe that once this is all over, governments will return our freedoms? Let me answer by saying once taken, do not expect them to be returned. Our suppose representatives are silent. Where are they? All major parties support this lock down, Labor, Liberal, and The Greens. Politicians and governments clearly will not protect our freedoms. There is only one group who will and that is – US! The People.
We are governed, quite illegally in my opinion, by executive government, not by Parliamentary law. Australia operates under English Common Law which is constantly being ignored and rejected. When we have people in great medical need refused access to urgent care because someone in authority will not allow them to cross the border to go to hospital we are in deep trouble. We have had deaths result from this madness. Farmers can’t get access to their markets and businesses are going bust. Children cannot attend their parent’s funeral. Yet we are told we are in it all together. Not so, if you are a sporting personality, an entertainment celebrity, a rich businessman or one of the political elite, you can cross the borders and avoid any 14 day quarantine, such as the South Australian Premier, Steven Marshall, who recently went to his son’s graduation in Queensland. The inconsistencies are numerous.
Last week, 100 concerned doctors wrote to the Victorian Premier, Daniel Andrews, voicing their opposition to his current corona-virus policy. In their petition they have pointed out that the cure is worse than the illness and more misery is to come. I am pleased to report that more and more doctors are signing the petition. As yet he has not answered them.
We have had the absurd positon of children being denied their education. There is an increase in suicide, particularly among the young. These draconian lock-downs must end. If we as a people allow this to continue, then we have only ourselves to blame for the long term dreadful effects.
We must act and we must regain our freedom. We must say no, loud and clear. This is not to say we do not recognise that there is a situation on which we should be concerned. But the policies to tackle it, are in error. Winston Churchill said, “never let a good crises go to waste” and the political elite who would agree.
Thank you my friends. Again, I am sorry that I have not with you today. I am proud of you all. And I will end with this: I am currently reading Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s The Gulag Archipelago. The contents are horrifying and Alex makes the comment that they lost their freedom because and to quote, “we did not love freedom enough”… and, “even more, we hurried to submit. We submitted with pleasure.”